
Come on now. You didn't think that was ALL I had to say today, did you?

Let me give you a general overview of today. On an average Tuesday, I don't have class, so I sleep in. Today, I got up bright and early so I could get my laundry done before I took my physics test at 11. Took that time to study, felt pretty good during the test. Naturally, after I get done, 4 out of 5 people I talk to call the test horrendous (not always using that word, but usually a synonym, often involving swear words). This makes me wonder--did I miss something?

Fine. I can deal with that. I'll have to wait till Friday, but I can deal with it. Instead, I head toward Borders (a bookstore, comparable to Barnes & Noble) to work on an essay I have due Friday. The catch? I need to be pretty close to done so I can give a presentation on it tomorrow. Why Borders? Because it's similar to a library, but with coffee.

Borders has no books that I can work with. I give up after a little while and take my much-needed trip to Wal-Mart.

Any college student can tell you why I groan at the very idea of NEEDING to go to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is a money-sucker. One big impulse buy. A perfect sign that some secret government agency is behind all major chains, trying to suck every last penny they can out of our pockets so they can buy really expensive toilet seats to use in public restrooms in the Pentagon.

Furthermore, it's Wal-Mart on a Tuesday afternoon. Wal-Mart is never empty, but on a Tuesday afternoon, it's full of slow, often old people. The ones who DON'T go there at midnight because they need to be amused.

On top of this, I end up in the line with the Unlucky Cashier. You know the one. Someone needs a price check? It's her. Someone bounced a check? He's in her line. Kid tried to run off with a candy bar? Right there. Computer running the till crashes? Hers. (The computer crashing happened to me, by the way. I'm a curse.)


So, finally, I get back to the dorm, having NOT gotten the info I need, but with a new five-pound bag of candy to share with my small group. Frustration ensues, and I beat my head against my door.

Next stop? The public library. Having not been there yet, this requires finding an address, then finding the street on a map, and getting there. No major events occur, and at last I find some helpful information.

Back at school, I ding around for a little while, eat dinner (six guys and I at a table--yup, I go to Tech), and come back to realize I need to clean my room before my small group gets there.

Everything goes well. The small group went well. Truth be told, I'm waiting for something rotten to happen, simply because it's the only thing in my life that's going consistently well.

Now, I must learn to concentrate so I can study for my Calc III test and write up a little speech for Tech Comm.




I just read this strange, albeit AWESOME book, and I feel the need to share my insight with the world.

First of all, it's titled Lullaby, and it's by this guy named Chuck Palahniuk. Quick overview: it involves witchcraft, ancient poems, a guy with the ability to look at you and kill you, existentialism, reincarnation, God, media corruption, Big Brother, death, environmentalist wackos (no, seriously, they're insane), and the argument over whether or not humans are killing off the planet.

It's a fun book, but read it by yourself and in daylight. Then do something mind-numbing to give yourself a break.

Now, at last, I leave.

People in stone houses shouldn't throw glass.


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