
Wow, what a tremendous let-down of a week. I get sick, I have a couple killer quizzes in organic, and now my bloody computer won't work (I'm in a lab right now).


Other than that, things don't really suck all that much. There is great potential for them to REALLY suck, but nothing yet.

My high school's actually been condemned. They decided that this week or something ... So, now they have to tear down the old part (which has been around since Lord knows when) and thus destroy what might as well be an Historic Landmark. No, seriously.

And the 5th Floor. That's enough to make me sad.


Heard the greatest thing on the radio yesterday. It was raining (really, REALLY raining, for the first time this year) and the DJ was giving the weather report: "Cooler this afternoon with a chance of showers. Duh." It was right up there with one professor calling another one neurotic. (I think. He might've been talking about himself.)

Still lacking in the philosophical stuff these days. My brain has been sucked dry by one-track thinkers, and I can't take it anymore. I need multi-thought topics. Things that require an opinion. Things that challenge the brain to think above and beyond the black-and-whiteness.

I also need the ability to drink without going into convulsions, but that'll be better in a week or so.

Tonight's weather: Dark with continued darkness until dawn.


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