Once Again Back To Normal Life

Well, I enjoyed my REAL vacation time. Spent a couple days out in Rapid City (home, sweet home) with Barb. We went shopping, out to Keystone for salt water taffy, through Rushmore Cave, mini-golfing, swimming ... All real vacation stuff. It was great.

On top of this, we watched part of a paintball tournament (yay Andy!) and hung out with Ashli and her slightly bizarre friends. (I say slightly only because they were weirded out by my laying under the bed. Now, if they were TRULY bizarre, this would have meant nothing to them.)

Unfortunately, now it's back to the usual, but not for long. This week, I get to work in the morning, then go to VBS at night ... and then it's August. Yay! As much as I'm finally enjoying the summer, I miss my friends (well, most of you anyway), and I'm ready to go back home.

In the meantime, I'll try not to waste too much time. Nothing ruins a good summer like getting bored, only to realize you could have been doing something after all. Don't want life to slip by that easily.


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