Life Or Something Like It

I'm aware that I've ripped that from a movie title, but right now I'm too tired to care. Besides, it's pretty muchly a great description of my life right now, or whatever this strange existence should be called.

Life at the scrapes and burns factory is lively as ever. This time, instead of getting squished and doing death spasms, we have a gerbil that likes to pretend he's Houdini. He got out last weekend, and today (well, yesterday--Friday) they found him again. Now, he's stuck in the inescapable aquarium, formerly known as the hampster's home, trying to scratch through the glass. Strangely amusing to watch, actually.

Too bad they found him.

Umm ... what else is new in the not-so-interesting Ashleyland ... Not much. Things are shaping up for my room next year, although I still need to get a fish. I think I'll name him Walter. Or Lester.

Going out to Jesse's tomorrow. Yay!

Things are still coming together for school. I hope and pray they keep coming together. (Speaking of school, I need to send out some thank-you letters for scholarships. I should do that.)

And, now a weekend. Finally! Better yet, I only work on Monday next week. After that, I'm headed out of town (well, on Wednesday, giving me Tuesday to get stuff done). And, the week after that, it's out to Rapid City, which I'm REALLY looking forward to. I need a vacation from this vacation.


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