More Thoughts Of School

It frightens me when I say with more excitement than I would have ever anticipated, only two months left of summer! With the full realization that when I'm back in class I'll miss the free time, right now I'm too bored to care. I need school. I have too much fun there.


Tomorrow, it's back to the world of spilled food and squished gerbils. Okay, so maybe the squished gerbil was a one-time thing (it had BETTER be a one-time thing!!!), but the food is a three-times-a-day occurrance. I guess it's a paycheck, but next summer I'm going to aim for working with an age group that doesn't consider "stupid" to be a bad word.

Anyway, a thought to consider: to what length would you go to get the money you needed to do something you really, really wanted to do?


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